Pilgrim Center Trondheim is one of the 12 Regional Pilgrim Centers in Norway that work with the St. Olav Ways. The work encompasses a broad field of expertise and area of responsibility that touches on: Developing the pilgrimage routes as a sustainable and future-oriented tourism. To highlight Norway's cultural diversity along the old transport routes, as well as the displaying and safeguarding of the historic transport routes. To present the St. Olav Ways as a valuable arena for cultural exchange and people-to-people encounters across borders, cultures and views of life.
Pilgrim Center Trondheim's geographical area of responsibility includes all the St. Olav Ways in Trondheim-, Skaun-, Melhus- and Midtre Gauldal municipalities. Within this area, the Pilgrim Center works closely with business and cultural sites, the municipalities, the county council and the many volunteers to maintain and develop the St. Olav Ways. This includes everything from marking the routes, to incorporating the St. Olav Ways into strategies and plans in the municipalities and the county.
Opening hours
All year: Tuesday-Friday | by booking at email: toralf.neras@pilegrimssenter.no
The Pilgrim Reception
The pilgrim reception at Nidaros Pilgrimsgård must be visited by all pilgrims who have reached the pilgrimage destination: Nidaros Cathedral. Here pilgrims receive the last stamps in their pilgrim passports, receive the Letter of Olav and register the completion of their walk. Before the pilgrim leaves, the "pilgrim's city's gold coin" is placed in the pilgrim's pass, which gives free entry to Nidaros Cathedral, and many other benefits in the Pilgrim's City of Trondheim.
The Pilgrim Hosts
The pilgrim reception is staffed by volunteer pilgrim hosts who are passionate about the St. Olav Ways. They take good care of all pilgrims who visit the pilgrim reception at Nidaros Pilgrimsgård. They always offer coffee, a piece of chocolate and a chat
Olavsbrev - The "Letter of Olav"
Pilgrims who have either walked the last 100 km, cycled the last 200 km, or collected 6 key site stamps along the Kystpilegirmsleia on the way to Trondheim, qualify to receive the "Letter of Olav" by the Cathedral. The "Letter of Olav" is of great importance to many pilgrims and is a valuable piece of evidence that testifies to long days on the St. Olav Ways.
Pilgrim priest
During large parts of the pilgrimage season, a pilgrim priest is available at Nidaros Pilgrimsgård. A good offer for pilgrims who want to talk to a priest about their journey.

The Pilgrimage Town of Trondheim
Jerusalem, Rome and Santiago de Compostela in Spain are all important pilgrimage cities that have long traditions of hosting visiting pilgrims. The purpose of the pilgrimage Town of Trondheim is to highlight Trondheim as Norway's pilgrimage destination and thereby strengthen the city's historical identity. Together with small and large partners in the city's culture and business sectors, our work wants to give the city a boost in knowledge about-, visibility of- and the importance of the historic capital Trondheim.
The Pilgrim's Pass and The "Pilgrimage Towns Gold Coin"
The tradition of using a pilgrim's passport hints back to the old dispatch documents that pilgrims received in the Middle Ages. Today, the pilgrim passport is used to identify the pilgrims along the St. Olav Ways. The Pilgrim's Passport is the official documentation that you are a real pilgrim. Presentation of the passport entitles you to discounts and benefits along the trails, and a separate pilgrim's price for accommodation. This also applies in the pilgrimage Town of Trondheim after receiving the "Pilgrimage Towns Gold Coin" in the pilgrim reception.
The pilgrims collect unique stamps in their passports from the places they visit on the way. The passport becoming an important memory book of the journey.
The Pilgrim's pass with the "Pilgrimage Towns Gold Coin" gives the pilgrim free entry to Nidaros Cathedral, after visiting us at Nidaros Pilegrimsgård.
The Pilgrim's pass with the "Pilgrimage Towns Gold Coin" gives pilgrims reduced prices and benefits at our hosting partners in the Pilgrimage Town of Trondheim.
To get the "Pilgrimage Towns Gold Coin", you must have slept at least one night along the St. Olav Ways.
The pilgrim reception at Nidaros PilEgrimsgård keeps statistics on all arriving pilgrims. The statistics are a valuable tool for mapping where the pilgrims come from, age and length of the hike. The typical pilgrim is an elderly German woman who walks approx. 2 weeks on the Gudbrandsdalsleden. Nevertheless, we see that pilgrims from 18 to over 80 use the trails for short and longer walks. The pilgrims come from all over the world. Many walk alone, most as couples, and some in groups ranging from 3 people to over 20.If you use data from the statistics, remember to state the reference.
The Pilgrim Community of St. Olav - Nidaros
Our most important partners and an essential part of our hosting is the pilgrimage community of St. Olav (Pilegrimsfellesskapet St. Olav - Nidaros). For many years they have received pilgrims from far and near in our pilgrim reception. Interesting people are drawn to one another, which is why it is always rewarding for the pilgrims as well as for the hosts to receive the good welcome and meeting here at Nidaros Pilegrimsgård.

Do you want to volunteer in the pilgrim movement?
We are completely dependent on our many and dedicated volunteers. If you want to meet people from all over the world in our pilgrim reception, take care of our beautiful garden by Nidelven river, or maintain and mark some of Norway's oldest hiking rutes, contact us! We want to involve as many people as possible in our national initiative.
Email - post@pilegrimsgarden.no